So is Jesus suggesting the smaller army should go into battle bravely and fight harder than the other king and his larger army? There are many stories in the Bible where this kind of action was supported by God, e.g. David and Goliath and Gideon's army come to mind. Or is Jesus suggesting that we play it safe and ask for a peace treaty? Maybe He is not suggesting either option but merely suggesting that before you make a big decision like taking a 10,000 man army up against a 20,000 man army you should first sit down, get counsel, and decide if you can finish the fight once you start it. Maybe Jesus is suggesting that the smaller army must decide if they are prepared to die for what they are fighting for.
I have always thought Jesus was saying they should not fight and make a truce. But, now I am not so sure. He could be saying the opposite. Remember this section is about starting and fishing the job you begin. But, for us Christians today, don't the odds seem against us in this life-the challenges are great! And we should soberly consider the nature of the battle and how difficult it will be, but we should not shrink back in the day of battle. We are overcomers, not quitters, and greater is the one in us than in the world. We have a strength and power they do not have. In spiritual reality the 10,000 man army is greater than the 20,000 man army, If the 20,000 man army is led by Satan we must not seek terms of peace with him. We must fight even when it seems we are outnumbered. Think about it.
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