Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Impluse Control

Jesus hones in on the apostles after learning of the common scuttlebutt of the people. They had established their top answers like they were playing family feud. "And the number one answer is 'John the Baptist.'" This was followed closely by Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the other prophets. The survey says. But, Jesus is looking for something more personal. He wanted His disciples to commit to their number one answer. He couldn't sending them out into battle without knowing exactly who He is. There could be no doubt. As I write this Cardinals from around the world are meeting in The Vatican to elect a new Pope. They are resting this tradition on our passage (Matt.16). They are under the mistaken assumption that Peter was the first Pope, and that all others are his direct successors. The chain of authority must not be broken. They claim that Peter was the rock on which Jesus built His church. Peter's name does mean "rock" or "stone," but Jesus is making exactly the opposite point from the one the Catholics have concluded. Consider this:

Peter was the impulsive one. He was the one bowing down because of his sinfulness in the presence of holiness. He was the one jumping out of the boat to walk on water. He was the one wanting to build tents for Moses, Elijah and Jesus on the mountain. He was the one who said he would defend Jesus to the death. He was the one to pull his sword and come out fighting. And, he was the one who not only ran away, but denied Jesus three times when his faith wavered and he was not so sure who he thought Jesus was. He was the one who impulsively wanted to return to the fishing business before Jesus had "the talk" on the beach. Have you ever seen this? Peter is the rocky soil Jesus describes in Matt.13, the kind of soil that cannot produce a good crop because it gives way to the hot sun of persecution and trouble. Jesus is definitely not building His church on "rocky soil" Peter. His name does mean "rock" but not the kind the Catholics are thinking about.

But also notice the use of Peter's name in the Matthew's text. Jesus refers to him as Simon Barjona, the name he was physically born with. This was his human name. This was his fleshly nature. This was his natural impulse. This was his personality to speak up like the kid in the classroom who is always first to raise his hand whether he knows the answer or not. Simon is the human Peter. He has a new name, i.e. Peter given by Jesus, but he is not ready to fully live up to that name. He is still too impulsive. Jesus certainly is not going to build his church on such impulsiveness. But, Jesus will build the church on His own commitment and His own name or identity. Jesus never acted impulsively. He was always deliberate in His faith and His walk. Jesus always lived up to His name and identity. He never once acted contrary to it. Peter betrayed his own name often. He was no rock yet, except for being rocky soil. Jesus wants a different kind of foundation for His church, one He speaks of in Matt.7, a house built on the rock of hearing His words and putting them into practice. Peter is not there yet. And when he does get there, and he will, it will be Peter's commitment to a Jesus who was committed and to a Jesus who knew who He was that will be the basis of the church.

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