Sunday, January 16, 2011

P90X Christians

I popped in the DVD and here are these five superhuman species doing every kind of push up and pull up imaginable-about 100 reps each. And this one guy, the leader, is talking the whole time. They acted like it was really fun. So what is a 57 year old man doing trying to follow these fitness addicts? I got through about a quarter of the workout with a very scaled down version of what they were doing. The diamond push up was impossible. Then I went out and walked 3 1/2 miles averaging 14 minutes a mile. Now four hours later I am not sure I want to go to bed because I am afraid I might not be able to get out of it tomorrow morning.

I need a little perspective here. Are they that good or am I just that out of shape? What is normal here? The P90Xers are certainly not casuals when it comes to fitness. So where am I on the casual to captive scale? In my mind I was ready to do everything they were doing. The spirit was willing (today) but the flesh was certainly weak.

I made the statement today, and I am sticking by it, that the great impediment to winning the world for Jesus is the casualness of the Christians in the US. 150 million causal Christian-professors could be an unstoppable army for Christ if they would become captives for Christ. And it is not about our winning. It is about his winning as many hearts and souls as possible. But, until we get some perspective on where we are, casual or captive, we will not get in shape so that we can be that army (or Marine Corp-sorry Timothy).

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