Tuesday, January 4, 2011

From Street Clothes to Fatigues

My youngest is having a Marine experience as I write this. He has been at Parris Island, SC, i.e. bootcamp, for about 24 hours. He has no hair and he is tired. When he left home he had the clothes on his back, his driver's licence, social security card and $20. He has traded his clothes now for Marine issue. He raised his hand and took an oath to defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. He has a new identity. He will have a new look and a new mindset. He left a man and will return a MAN. Everything is changing for him. There will be nothing casual about the next 13 weeks.

The captive Christian knows there is a war going on and that the bullets are real. The casual Christian doesn't. The captive Christian knows that the enemy is real and is absolutely committed to killing him in as many ways as possible. The casual Christian doesn't. The captive Christian knows that the training never stops because he never arrives at the ideal, to be like his commander-in-chief, Jesus. The casual Christian doesn't.

In my morning studies I am in Luke 4:18. This anointed one is on a mission to the poor, the prisoner, the blind and the oppressed. He is sanctioned by God. He is sent. He is covered by the Spirit. He has a voice that preaches and proclaims. This is not casual. This is not a "get-around-to-it" mission. This is a "right-now" mission and a "get er done" mission. This is a mandate. Aren't we glad that Jesus was not casual about sin and about salvation? He is our leader, our standard, our pioneer, our trail blazer. He sets the pace. He is the one to follow and not let out of our sight. This is no stroll in the park. This is bootcamp. This is war. This is no drill. This is for real. This matters. One chance and its over. One shot to win. Then, its final-forever, and ever. Shed the street clothes.

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