Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A Model For Children

  There are two verses in the early life of Jesus that tell us how he is doing, Luke 2:40,52. "And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him." "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men."  What does this spiritual growth chart tell us about Jesus as a child? Before I delve into this, let me first say something about children today. My greatest fear about our kids is that we don't expect enough from them. I fear we have come to fear our children. Kids intimidate us because they seem to be able to play a trump card when we require "too much" of them, i.e. they tune us out. They have so many more ways to do that these days-they don't even have to leave the room. They can just push a touchscreen and get sucked into cyberspace, and they are gone. We love our children so much we allow them to check in and out at will because we fear they will check out and never come back.  I know I am being a little over dramatic here, but I don't think I am far from the truth. The ideals expressed in these two verses that constitute the "stature of the full of Christ" in his youth should be our standard for our kids. We say we want them to be like Jesus. Well what was Jesus like when he was a kid?

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