In John 18:19ff we have the story of Jesus meeting with Annas, the previous high priest. Once a high priest, always a high priest. It is like once a president you are always "Mr. President." Annas' son-in-law Caiaphas was the actual high priest at the time. After Jesus' arrest the first stop was a visit to Annas. The old man was up very early for this meeting. Perhaps he thought, like Herod did later that morning, that Jesus might show him some miracle. That would be worth rising early. So Annas begins to question Jesus about his disciples and his teachings. It would make their job much easier if they can get Jesus to inform on his followers and to incriminate Himself. Jesus has no plans to do either. He has already asks for His disciples to be left alone.
As for His teachings, this was a matter of public record. There are no emails, video recordings, or newspaper accounts, but there were many eye-witnesses. All that was needed was to ask them. Jesus has been very public for the past several days. He has showed up early and stayed late teaching in the temple courts. This was fresh evidence, easy pickings for anyone looking for truth. So Jesus suggests to Annas that he ask those who heard Him.
SMACK! This response immediately got Jesus a blow or slap across the face. Some temple guard decided that Jesus was being a smart aleck, and hauled off and slapped His face. The blood rushed to the surface, and Jesus' face turned red. There may have been a hand-print there. The bruising process may have started. The man slapped Jesus. Can you believe a man would slap Jesus? This was the first of many slaps Jesus would receive that morning. This man, whoever he was, got in the first lick. I don't ever remember being slapped. But, I did box once. But, I cannot imagine slapping Jesus.
But, have I? Do I when I sin and know it? Do I make his face turn red, when it is mine that should be red? Did he take the humiliation of a slap that I deserve? God please forgive us for slapping Jesus.
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