The woman of Luke 13 was doing what she always did on the Sabbath, attending synagogue. Did she know there was a visiting Rabbi that day? Would it have mattered? She was going to "church" because that is what you do on Saturday (or Sunday). Jesus was into His lesson. We are told what the topic was that day. This is when he spies this hunched over woman in the crowd. At that precise moment what crossed over the mind of the Savior of the world? What was the "mind of Christ" as He looked out from the pulpit? Was he thinking of agendas, schedules, completing His message, what others would think, the order of worship, or getting out on time? Here is what I see.
Jesus thought: "I am not too busy with teaching to put into practice what I am teaching." Which is more important, teaching or putting the teaching into practice? Well both are important, but if we are constantly teaching and never obeying, what good is that?
Jesus thought: "I feel compassion for that dear old lady in the second row who cannot straighten up." Jesus was not so into His message that He could not see the pain of another and feel something.
Jesus thought: "I know why this woman is bent over like that, and I know what to do about it." Jesus saw more than curvature of the spine. He saw spiritual affliction caused by a spirit directed by Satan himself. Jesus saw a battlefield. Others saw an old woman.
Jesus thought: "I will heal her now and deal with objections later." Jesus knew what day it was and He knew what kind of reaction He would get from the Jewish leaders, but this did not stop Him from doing the right thing. Jesus cared not for what others thought.
Jesus thought: "This is a teachable and worshipful moment." Jesus stopped His teaching to create a teachable moment that neutralized the evil powers in the spirit realm, enraged the spiritual opposition of the Jewish leaders, produced worship led by a woman, and caused an entire crowd to rejoice.
A woman had been humiliated by Satan. A synagogue ruler was humiliated by Jesus. A woman was freed by Jesus. A synagogue ruler was indignant and enslaved by his own pride. A woman stood up straight and walked out of that synagogue. A ruler was bent out of shape and walked out bent over.
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