It seems that Jesus holds the Pharisees responsible for not marking their own graves well. This lack of adequate markers causes people to inadvertently walk over these graves. Sacred things and places need signage. It should be clear to all when we are in the presence of something great or hallowed. It is horrifying to see young people treat lightly monuments to fallen heroes, or places like Gettysburg where so many fell in battle, or gardens built in memory of some unfortunate child. There should be a reverence that accompanies such places. The National Cemetery outside of Sarasota cautions folks to be quiet when entering this place. Judges do not tolerate dress that is not fitting for a court of law or cell phones going off. When respect breaks down then the honor and solemnness of our institutions falls.
But, what of these Pharisees. They sat in Moses' seat (Matt.23:2). This is a place of honor and importance. Even if they placed themselves there without divine approval or endorsement, just being there creates a responsibility to properly mark their position, just as a grave should be properly marked. So what marks of the Pharisees were missing so as to cause people to walk over their graves without their knowledge. Perhaps a story in Acts will explain. In Acts 23 Paul was before the Sanhedrin, and as he spoke about living in all good conscience,the high priest Ananias commanded that Paul be struck on the mouth. Paul's response was to call him a white-washed wall and says that God will strike him for sitting in judgment of Paul based on the Law by having Paul struck. Paul was rebuked for this comment. Paul's response was that he was unaware that Ananias was the high priest. Now did Paul really not know he was the high priest? Of course Paul knew. But, Ananias' life did not properly mark him as a legitimate priest before God. Ananias was an unmarked grave, one that Paul had no way of seeing that he deserved respect. Ananias lacked spiritual and moral authority, and therefore no one could know he was a bon a fide high priest. Besides he had already been replaced by a real High Priest, Jesus Christ Himself. The Pharisees had forfeited any right to be respected by the people.
If people are going to represent God in positions of authority then there be some signs to mark their lives as being worthy of that respect. Otherwise folks may walk over sacred places and institutions. When our elected official or spiritual leaders do not live in integrity they cause people not to respect the office they hold, and the entire system is demeaned.
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