Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Work of God

My father always had projects going on. I have searched my memory and I do not remember him ever joining me in my project. I know this is a big deal today. We encourage parents to find out what their children are interested in and join them in it. But, it seems throughout my childhood, even though I had projects, I was more often joining my father in his. Don't misunderstand. My father helped me get my music equipment although I paid the loan. He assisted me in going to college, though I worked off much of the bill. But, mostly I joined him in working the garden, clearing the land, digging out the well, and fixing things. My orientation was toward what he was doing and how I could join him, not the other way around.

In John 6 Jesus was asked, "What shall we do that we may work the works of God." (6:28) Jesus has just told the crowds not to work for the food that perishes. His answer was "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent." (6:29) My thinking this morning was directed to the idea of the work of God the Father and how his Son, Jesus, oriented His life to this work. Jesus' life was not about his personal aspirations. God was not asking Jesus each day, "Son what would you like to do today? Beach? Circus? Disney?" The Son awoke each morning saying, "Father what would You like to do today and may I join You."

In John 4:34 Jesus tells his apostles that His food is to accomplish His Father's work. In John 5:17 Jesus says, "My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working." Jesus continues in 5:19 to tell us he can do nothing of Himself. He watches his Father and does what He does. It is from the Father's love that He shows His Son what He is doing. Then in 5:21 Jesus tells us what that work is, i.e. giving life. Should we be surprised? This is how the story begins. God starts the Bible with giving life. If you read the rest of Jesus' sermon in John you understand the work that God is doing to give us life. The Father gives true bread from heaven, gives people to Jesus, draws men to Jesus, and teaches men about Jesus. This is the work of God that leads us to faith and to life.

Now I would ask, "Do any of us have a project more worthy than this one?" Would any of us prefer that God leave His work and join us in ours?

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