Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Miss 24

I need a dose of Jack Bauer. What is it about a character like Bauer? He is tough, smart, committed, and indestructable! But, what I like about him the most is that no one could break him. You know the scene. He is in a small 10/10 room, with one light hanging from the ceiling, a barred-window about 15 feet above him, tied to a chair that is bolted to the floor, with a table nearby with every concievable instrument of torture on it. He has been beaten, burned, shocked, slapped, cut, shot, water-boarded, and threatened with every unearthly horrow invented by man. Through it all he keeps his head, plans his escape, makes notes of his enemy's weaknesses, plants a few lies to throw them off, and looks them straight in the eye with that look of defiance that would make a NFL right tackle buckle.

Bauer is like Jesus in some ways (not so in a few others-I know). Jesus was constantly having to fend off the temptations of sin and defeat. Jesus was under profound pressure to not stumble or fail. The entire world's salvation was dependent on Jesus staying true, pure, right, good, and focused. Satan and his demons threw everything at Jesus. But still he stood. He looked the demons in the eye and backed them down. The demons were afraid of Jesus. They feared that he would torture them before their time. They feared he would throw them into the abyss.

Oh for the heart of the captive Christian who like his teacher stands firm without bending to temptations and trials. Toughen us Father!

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