Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Half On/Half Off

This image was in my head when I awoke this morning. A bull rider half on and half off the bull really gets beat up. This is when he is in the greatest danger. He is closer to the deadly horns and the hooves. Now, don't get me wrong. A bull rider gets beat up pretty good when he is on, cinched up, and bounching around. And, even when he is all the way off, the bull can sometime alude the clowns and come back around and gore him. But, half on and half off looks like the worst to me. And, do you ever see the cowboy who is in that position and just can't get his hand out of the rope to let go? Now he is stuck half on and half off. How do you tell the bull, "Could you just stand still for a couple of minutes while we untie this cowboy dangling from your side?"

Life doesn't stand still either. It keeps bucking along, turning in circles, like it wants us off it's back. Doesn't it seem that the world thinks it is it's job to throw us off and leave us in the dust?

Jesus came to show us how to ride the bull. He doesn't want us in the dust or flopping around on the side. He wants us atop the bull, holding on, free hand in the air, focused on every hop and turn, being cheered on by an encouraging crowd, seemingly at the mercy of an angry, crazed bovine, but really held in place by the unseen hand of a loving Father. For all who are getting beat up because you can't decide if you will follow Jesus all the way, get back on top of the bull, please, hollar "pull" and pray for eight!

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