Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Stopping to check the compass is a good idea from time to time. Pulling out the map and taking some bearings is helpful if we expect to arrive at our destination. There have been two influences that led me to begin this morning time of writing we call a BLOG (too close to blob for my taste). The first was a work by George Barna on the seven spiritual tribes in the U.S. He researched to see who we are spiritually. One group was named "casual" Christians and another were called "captive" Christians. I did a series of messages each Sunday on that theme, from casual to captive. How do we go from being merely Christians on the surface to being Christians whose maturity runs deep and is demonstrated in ways that does justice to the Christ who lives in us? About this same time, I began a personal, morning study I called The Challenger Deep which was to concentrate on the mind of Christ. His mind is deep, just as Challenger Deep is the deepest point of the ocean, over 36,0000 ft. down. I likened myself to stepping off into this crevasse and floating down to explore all the wonderful aspects of the infinite mind of Jesus, my Lord. I have been on that journey each morning for almost three years. I have filled eight journals of what I have seen within my travels, and I have a lot more to go.

So here we are. I have through this blog asked you to share in this journey. I am glad you are looking in on it. But, there is no way I could begin to bring you into what I am seeing. I am getting a new view of Jesus. I am seeing Him in new ways, some familiar, but others strangely new. Jesus does not act predictably. His thinking is much different than mine. His words are sometimes cryptic. He is defined by irony and paradox and metaphor and similitude. He employs all the figures of speech to guide us to His point. He cuts to the heart of things and the hearts of people. He does not chit-chat. He grabs a person and dives deep, not letting them up until they are about to explode. He is intense yet incredibly patient and loving. He is always at work. He is constantly taking stock of where He is relative to the will of His Father. His intimacy with His Father is no less than amazing. His demonstration of dependence, reliance, trust, and loyalty is classic. Jesus sees things. He knows things. He perceives life clearly. He attacks at the right spot. He stays as long as He should and goes when He should. His view is always on the eternal, never on this world. Jesus is the most amazing, challenging person who ever lived and who I have ever known.

You and I have one earthly life (psuche) to live. If we plan not to waste it we must devote our lives (psuche) to chasing after Life (zoe). This can be no casual pursuit if we hope to explore the depths of Challenger Deep. There awaits below that surface a whole world of mystery and inviting danger. If you want to really live join me. Over the next several months I want to expand my teaching ministry to bring together several platforms from which we can explore this infinite mind of Christ. I am still waiting on the Lord on this to see fully how He wants me to set this up, the logistics of it. But, I am convinced He wants me to share comprehensive "teachings" to help others GET IT. Please pray about "GET IT" Ministries, a blending of evangelism and spiritual growth. Thank you for following the ramblings of a man who wants to know the mind of Christ and live as His captive.

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