Sunday, January 13, 2013

Systems Approach

Two systems are at work, one physical and temporal, the other spiritual and permanent. There are many ways to describe both. The physical system is dependent on energy to run the system. The ultimate intent of this system is to provide true fulfillment, happiness, contentment, and joy here and now. An energy source is needed. Something has to fuel the system. There are two types of energy sources in this first system. There is the human spirit or motivation needed to pursue happiness. We find this in motivational speakers, examples of those who accomplish great things overcoming extreme odds to do so, and other earthly incentives. Inherent in this system is the promise that life will be better, even great if we do this or that (sounds like Satan in Eden, right?). The other energy source is more physical. The system needs physical fuel to run the applications that we believe will enhance "life." The fuel may be oil, radio active materials, or a fast flowing river. We fight for these sources. We will give up human life to be able to have these sources of energy.

Haiti cut down all her trees to provide fuel (charcoal) to build fires to cook their food. It was a shortsighted move. Haiti serves as a modern day metaphor for the world. We destroy our resources for a temporary fix. All physical energy sources are temporary fixes. Money is a means to energy sources. Money pays FPL. Money puts gasoline in the tank. Money runs the combines that provide the corn to make our grits. Politicians are sources of energy. If we can get them to do what we think we need then we continue to get the energy we need to pursue happiness through electronic applications. This earthly system is intricate and all consuming, and I do mean consuming. It consumes itself and uses itself up.  Romans 8:17ff calls it corruption and decay. This world is destined for it because God subjected this system to it. So how do we survive a system that is destined to crash?

The other system is about true LIFE (Zoe). As we release our grip on the first system we must grab onto the Jesus system of eternal life which is not subject to temporal sources of energy. The energy for this system comes down from heaven. It is fueled by an eternal God whose resources will never be depleted. The sun may burn up one day and cease to shine, but the SON never will. So what we need is often pushed to a secondary place as we operate in system one. We know system one. We are good at it. Any child knows how to use the applications on a cell phone to play their games that give enjoyment for a few minutes while they cannot find Colossians in a Bible without looking in the index. Our nation spends billions to develop or sustain temporary energy sources while banning the Bible and Jesus from our schools.

Whether it is John 6 with crowds searching for more loaves and fishes or 2013 with people lining up days before the next smart phone comes out, it is still the same system. If system one were an airplane and the world was its passenger, then I have some bad news for you. The tanks are nearly empty and we are loosing altitude. We are flying in the wrong plane. Jesus invites us to transfer to His.

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