Now here is where you have to do your research. You will need to read sections of Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15; Luke 22; John 18. I am not going to do your homework for you. Read it for yourself and see what you think. So after fleeing Peter and John double back and watch where Jesus is being taken. He is taken first to Annas, the retired high priest, for an informal interview. Next Jesus goes to Caiaphas, the real high priest, who also conducts an informal interview. From here Jesus is taken to the Sanhedrin, the Jewish Ruling Council, for a formal trial. Meanwhile John, who knows the high priest, is able to gain entrance into the courtyard outside where the trial was being conducted. Peter comes with him.Judas (read carefully) has come to get his thirty pieces of silver from the high priests and elders. Judas "saw that He (Jesus) had been condemned "(Matt.27:3), which happened in the Council. Now we know that the money was thrown into the sanctuary (Matt.27:5), a word used for the temple. Here is what I think happened.
Jesus was led out to be taken to Pilate. As He entered the courtyard the rooster crowd, Peter denied the Lord for the third time, and their eyes met. John saw this. Judas was also there. To get to Pilate's residence from the Council Chambers, they had to pass by the temple. I believe that Judas was stricken with remorse, and as they went along tried to give the money back and wash his hands of the matter. But, the chief priests and the elders will not take it. Judas breaks from the group, runs into the temple courts as far as he can toward the temple, and throws the money into the temple, more than likely seen by a temple guard who collects the money and returns it to the chief priests and elders as Judas runs off to hang himself.
This is some drama! Jesus had opportunity to see Judas and Peter conscience-stricken. One who runs away to weep bitterly, and the other who runs away to commit suicide. How could you even imagine the grief Jesus was feeling in that moment. But, John? What of John? Did he run? I don't think so. I think he stayed long enough to figure out what was going to happen, and then he went to get Mary, and some other women and took them to the Place of the Skull. Three disciples, one a denier, one a betrayer, and one a loyal servant. All three needed redemption. One did not accept it. I would like to think I would be John on that early morning. But, I don't really know.