There is much debate today as to whether or nor IS (Islamic State) is either Islamic or a State. We seek to label this group for the purpose of identifying its contents. I would ask, which comes first, the label or the contents? Before Coke can be labeled "Coke" it must be "Coke." IS believes something and professes something and is motivated to its actions by something. What is it? Is it the writings of the Koran, their unique interpretation of the Koran, or a mixture of Islamic tenants and other streams of thought (even revenge for perceived injustices)? Who is more consistent? Those who profess Mohammed as the prophet and his way as The Way yet never preform acts of terror, or IS? That is a debate for Islam. Even though we might have a difficult time precisely identifying IS's ideology we do know they want everyone (even fellow Muslims) to be what they are under the threat of death.
As Paul labored to convince King Agrippa to consider the claims of Christ, he said, "King Agrippa, do you believe the Prophets? I know that you do." Agrippa replied: "In a short time you would persuade me to become a Christian." Paul answered thus: "I would to God that whether in a short or long time, not only you, but also all who hear me this day, might become such as I am, except for these chains." (Acts 26:27-29) Did Paul want to change Agrippa's ideology? Did he want the king to wear a new label, i.e. Christian? Did he want all who heard him that day to BE what he was in belief and way of life? "Yes" to all. Paul represented a Christian ideology rooted in the Law and the Prophets, the actual words of Christ Himself, and the continued revelation he and others received from the Holy Spirit.
What I fear is that those with terrorist ideologies will care more about the spread of theirs that we do about the spread of ours. I fear that not only will they seek to eradicate anyone who does not embrace their ideology, but that many in this world who are seeking a radical ideology that has a semblance of power, strength and success will gravitate to it just to be a part of a movement that stands for something, no matter how misguided. I fear that we who call ourselves Christians and are casual about it will not only not be able to stand against their swords, but more importantly will not be able to give an answer for the reason of the hope that is within us. (1 Pet.3:15)
In my opinion, the drift away from the deep truths of Jesus, and the radical nature of the gospel and the kingdom continues unabated. We have encased the Gospel within modern culture to such extent that folks, even those who self-identify as Christians, are inoculated against it. We have been injected with enough cultural antibodies that we cannot catch Jesus. The prophylactic of the secular ideologies prevents us from becoming pregnant with the doctrines of Christ. And even if we do become pregnant with Jesus, society has a pill that will abort Him before he attaches. This is a serious matter. A world where an IS ideology could actually succeed demonstrates how little the ideology of Jesus is succeeding. Our task is to convince not only non-Christians to be what we claim to be, but to convince our casual fellow-Christians to be what Jesus calls them to be.
September 29, 2014 Rod Myers